Ask Angie

Ask Angie is a practice management monthly column at Citywire. If you need her advice, just email

  • How can we tell if the time spent on blogging and social media is worthwhile? We see our numbers of ‘clicks’ and ‘views,’ but we want a better way to ensure that we’re spending our time wisely. On a related point, is there a tangible benefit to creating your own content as compared to sharing info from reputable sources?

  •  If you’re a planner/advisor, is it ostentatious or obnoxious to call yourself a ‘wealth manager’? Does that title need a rebrand? Or am I just overthinking it? 

  • In a previous column, you said that instead of pursuing deals, most RIAs should ‘focus on investing your resources – financial and human – on training your financial advisors.’ Do you have suggestions on how to attract and develop next-gen advisor talent, specifically women and people of color?

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